Phygital Play
This project explores the possibilities of mixed reality as a new common ground for human-robot playful interactions. The project revolves around a new gaming platform: the system consists of a projected playground, on which people and robot(s) can physically interact and play. The role of the robot can vary, from companion, to adversary, to avatar for a remote player.
The project was promoted by TIM, and developed in collaboration with Fabrizio Lamberti e Giovanni Piumatti, from DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino (IT).
The Phygital Play gaming platform is a mixed-reality playground obtained combining a projector, two depth cameras (Microsoft Kinect v2.0) and commercial robots. The projector is used to display a virtual playground on the floor, while the depth cameras are used to track the position respectively of the players and the robots.
M. L. Lupetti, G. Piumatti and F. Rossetto, Phygital play HRI in a new gaming scenario, 2015. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN).
Lupetti, M.L.; Piumatti, G.; Germak, C.; Lamberti, F. Design and Evaluation of a Mixed-Reality Playground for Child-Robot Games. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2018, 2, 69.