robo-ethic funded
RoboEthic: Facing the challenges of Industry 5.0 through cross-disciplinary education
This seed-funded project, collaborative effort among four Unite! partner universities, aims to prepare the next generation of professionals with a robust, interdisciplinary education to face the challenges of Industry 5.0.
Ongoing advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are reshaping society and driving new business models with a focus on human-centric approaches, known as Industry 5.0. while a notable skills gap emerges: engineering students often lack socio-technological and business development skills, while social science and business students often lack technological understanding. To fully comprehend the socio-technological implications and innovate future systems, an interdisciplinary approach is essential.
The seed funded “RoboEthic” project with team members from TU Graz, Aalto University, Grenoble INP-UGA and Politecnico di Torino aims to facilitate cross-domain knowledge transfer among social, engineering, and business students through a hybrid learning model. The project’s curriculum will include course modules that focus on socio-technological implications, dependability, innovation management, and industrialisation. This comprehensive approach combines interactive teaching methods, facilitation workshops, and evaluations in simulated industry environments